Scheduling Week is held annually during the month of April. During scheduling sessions, UAHS students will participate in selecting courses for the following school year and entering course requests with the assistance of the guidance counselors. Students are encouraged to discuss scheduling options, goals, and future plans with their parents/guardians, teachers, and counselors prior to making their requests.
Course Selections
- Students select their courses for the following academic year by completing the on-line course selections form in late March through early April. Course planning is individualized, according to each student's interests and goals. Parents are encouraged to participate in their child's course planning. Additionally, parents should review the child's annual course selections via the CSIU Parent Portal and contact the child's school counselor with questions at any time.
- Information about required courses and may be found in the Course Catalog that is posted below.
Schedule Change Guidelines
Students are provided with multiple opportunities to conference with their guidance counselor regarding course selection. Once schedules have been distributed, no schedule changes will be made except for the following circumstances:
- A course is needed to meet graduation requirements (seniors only).
- Credit has been earned during summer school.
- Review reveals that course pre-requisites have not been met.
- Clerical error has occurred.
Withdrawing from a Course
- A student may not withdraw from a half credit course after 5 class days and a one credit course after 10 class days.
- Withdrawal from a course can only occur in cases of emergency or extreme hardship. Withdrawal at any time prior to the end of the course will result in loss of all course credit and a letter designation of WF (Withdrawal Fail) or WP (Withdrawal Pass) will be placed on the student's transcript.
- A completed Schedule Change Form should be returned to the student's guidance counselor.
- The counselor will meet with the student upon review of the student's credits and schedule.
UAHS Summer Credit Recovery
Uniontown Area High School offers courses for students in need of credit recovery each summer. Course availability is based on enrollment. Details for Summer Credit Recovery including available classes, schedule, and fees are made available during the Spring semester of each school year.